Saturday, November 10, 2007

Beige Box Friends

Wow, long time no post to this blog. I think everyone gets caught up in life and forgets to be thankful out loud sometimes.

Today while surfing blogs, ones I hadn't in a long time because well, life got in the way, I realized how open and honest some people are in the blogging lives. How much people lay on the table, kind of naked and wounded for those to read and see. I am thankful and humbled by how much people share with me. All the babies, all the broken hearts, the ups and downs of life come streaming through my monitor and help me know that I am not alone in my sorrow or my happiness.

Through blogging, I have met many wonderful people, welcomed many wonderful babies and found people who didn't make me feel as insane as the people in my real life have. I have got to live in other people shoes, seen new point of views. I have even gotten to teach little lessons myself. It's kind of a cool world, this internet thing. Scary and cool all balled up into one.

Goodness, I am thank for the beige box friends.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It's All a Matter of Perspective

Sunday: I spent six hours sitting on either a plane that wasn't flying or in an airport while my children were far away from me at home.

Monday: I spent more time sitting in an airport due to my son's cancelled flight.

Tuesday: I discovered I had been walking around on a broken foot for a week and would be in a cast for at least the next three weeks.

This morning: I ran out of gas on the way to work--mere minutes from my office. Due to the bum foot, I had to wait for an hour and a half for AAA.

This afternoon: I read a post by WhyMommy and her justified anger.

I am grateful for the time I had to read my book on Sunday.

I am grateful for the extra time I got to spend with my son on Monday.

I am grateful that it's only a broken bone.

I am grateful for the helpful man who brought me fuel and didn't chastise me for running out.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Celebrations now and to come

Momma went for her 3 month check up at the oncologist yesterday. Life is a 3 month cycle for her now. The first 2 months are fairly worry free, and then it is time to go back for blood work and scans. And possibly she feels some twinges in her abdomen. Or her energy level is waning. Or she just feels off.

The week or two leading up to that oncologist visit are not fun. We just want to go ahead and get answers. What is her ca125? What do her scans look like? But she has to wait for that appointment, which is typically about 10 days to 2 weeks after all the lab work.

Seeing as how my brother answered his phone yesterday by skipping the traditional "hello" and just telling me that they were in Shoney's listening to the love song of me and my high school boyfriend ("The Flame" by Cheap Trick, of course), I figured there was probably good news.

Her ca125 is 15. Her scans are clear as a bell. They were celebrating at the best restaurant they could in that tiny town.

Hang in there, Whymommy. These are the visits you have to look forward to. Good news followed by hot fudge brownie sundaes.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Listen to your doctor

Sometimes I forget the importance of a medical degree and think, oh she's my kid. Well, even I her mother can miss really important things like eye doctors. Thank you Dr. S for asking me to take my little girl to the eye doctor. She can't see I found out and because we caught it early it won't effect her as much as it may have. I am thankful for glasses and doctors who push even when maybe Mom gets irritated.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Inn on Main

I am grateful for time spent with my husband.

The mountains are where we can reconnect. Our first trip together was to Asheville, we were married in Montreat. We honeymooned in Weaverville.

This weekend, we are back in Weaverville at the Inn on Main. There will be guitar shopping and massages. Dinner out at the Sunny Side Cafe. Walking. Sitting. Talking.


I am grateful that I have a person I want to be connected to.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Baby's Birthdays

Ok so not totally. I actually hate that my little boy will be three this weekend but in hating it I have also learned how blessed I am to get the privilege to see this little guy grow up. I get to see him every single day of his little life. I am so grateful for that. I get two, almost three WONDERFUL little lives to guard over just long enough for them to be wonderful adults and with any luck, they will someday, make a Grandma and I will get to do it all over again. I am so grateful for getting old.

Monday, April 9, 2007


"When we long for life without difficulties,
remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds
and diamonds are made under pressure."
– Peter Marshall

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Lovely Baking

Tonight, I am grateful for baking with my stepdaughter. She often comes in the kitchen, hovering over what I might be making.

I never know whether to ask for help, so that she might learn, or to let her just watch. Tonight, I put her to work.

Easy Berry Cobbler

Melt one stick of butter in an 8x8 pan. The oven should be preheating to 350. Stir together 1 cup each of Bisquick, sugar, and milk. Pour mixture over melted butter. Spread 1 quart of fruit (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cut up strawberries, peaches, or plums) over mixture. Bake for 35-45 minutes.

My stepdaughter, who is 11, did this recipe mostly by herself. I helped with the melting of the butter in the oven, and handled anything hot. Other than that though, she made the cobbler.

After we ate the entire thing, she said, "I didn't think it would be good. I don't know how to bake."

A clean pan and her daddy letting loose a highly inappropriate, yet admiring, belch, let her know that in fact, she is a very good baker.

I'm grateful for affirmations of self esteem. I'm grateful for moments in the kitchen that bring me and Lovely closer together.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ah, The Blogosphere!!

Today I am so grateful for the blogosphere.

I was asked to complete a meme about real moms. While I've tried to stay off my soapbox on the ole blog, I sort of got going and before I knew it I had an army. It was all in my head of course.

But then the most amazing thing happened.

People started commenting with the most gracious words.

Becoming a member of this weird blogging world has been an incredible experience for me. The community of women--real women--who have so easily extended a hand in friendship has been incredible. There is nothing more empowering than realizing that you are not alone in the world. Women for so long have been sectioned off and pitted against one another. The blogosphere seems to be providing the opportunity for us to join together and realize our strength. I look forward to seeing where we take it.

In the meantime, I'm terribly grateful for the people I've met through blogging and for the chance to be part of this...whatever it is.

Wet Dog Noses

You can be having a REALLY chaotic day and sometimes all it takes is a wet dog nose on your leg to remind you it's the simple things.

Today I am thankful for Charlie's wet dog nose.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sweet Tooth

I am giving thanks tonight for Ben & Jerry's Creme Brulee ice cream. If anyone else has a flavor worthy of gratitude, me and my tastebuds would love to hear about it.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


I live in the Pacific Northwest, the home of rain, rain and more rain. We've had an especially RAINY winter and set records for rainfall over the last few weeks for sure. Flooding everywhere. Rain. Every. Single. Day. It. Rains.

So today, when the clouds parted and the sun came out, I looked up and felt enormous GRATITUDE. Thank you. For the Sun. I missed You, Sun!

So on a day when life handed me lemons in the form of a very unwelcome Aunt Flow, it was nice to look up in the sky and see the lemonade of sun, shining down on me.

Grateful for the sun today. After the rains are over, we are so grateful for the sun.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Lucky Ducky

I ventured over and thought after a day of not feeling so gratuitous I ought to dig down deep and find some sunshine. We all need sunshine in our lives and sometimes it takes a little bit longer to find but it's always there.

My daughter and I fought all day, all day. But I am grateful I have her, very very grateful. She adds so many wonderful things to my life. So much laughter, so many tears. Beautiful photos and drawings and memories. She made me a mom, I am so grateful for her. And to add to that, I am grateful for all those women who made me see just how lucky I am to have her.

I am a lucky ducky.

Thank you

Thank you to Canape for starting this blog, and for giving me the opportunity to contribute. I have been realizing lately how easy it is to complain about little things (the temperature in the office, the traffic, the stressful events at work) -- but that the great things in life are often taken for granted. I look forward to using this space to truly express my appreciation for all of the blessings I have in life.

Today I am extremely grateful that I had a chance to spend time with one of my best friends last night. She's been very busy in the last several months, so I haven't been able to see her much. Her husband arranged a surprise birthday party for her -- and the look on her face when she saw her friends and family gathered was priceless. I'm so glad I could be there to help her celebrate her birthday.

Good friends are worth their weight in gold. I never take a true friendship for granted -- it's a rare and special thing.


I am grateful for being comforted by other people's words and photos. That is one of the best things about blogging.

Today, I'm thankful for Bon.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Simple Things

Today I am grateful for some really simple things.

  • An arugula salad with local goat cheese, grilled chicken, and strawberries.
  • A former student who has returned to my studio. She still trusts me and I am so glad.
  • No need for slippers tonight because my little Pupstar is being the perfect foot warmer.
  • New sheets that aren't cotton sateen.
I am also grateful that several talented writers and inspiring women are signing up as contributors. I'll make a roll call soon. Thank you for embracing the idea.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


This blog is for all of us. You can read, you can comment, and you can contribute. Finding the little things in life for which we are grateful is a beautiful way to live.

There are times for sorrow and times for disappointment, every season, and so forth.

Here though, here is a place where we can share our joys. Share the people, moments, pictures, and whatever else it is in our life that causes us to feel grateful.

If you would like to contribute, that would be great. You can become a writer for this blog, or you can email me a submission.

Welcome. I'm grateful you stopped by.